Wolseley Trust
Wolseley Trust Members Report
Please click here to view the April 2023 - March 2024 report
The Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre Wellbeing Hub
In line with the Governments roadmap, the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre is now open to the public.
Our Wellbeing Hub Coordinator Nicki will be availble on email nickichinnock@wolseley-trust.org or by phone 07305 052575 or 01752 203670.
We are here to help and support you, so please come to our centre or get in touch with our team by phone or email.
Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre Risk Assessment
Our Wolseley Community
The Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre is now open to the public, but we can still offer support online and on the phone to help those in our community who may feel vulnerable and isolated.
If you are a local resident who is alone, isolated or struggling with mental health then please get in touch to find out how we can help support you and link you to our network of services and online sessions.
Contact nickichinnock@wolseley-trust.org or call 07305 052575 or 01752 203670
Click here to visit our Facebook Page
Our Business Community
Our affordable commercial premises based at Scott and Wolseley Business Parks are situated in the heart of Plymouth offering businesses adaptable spaces to prosper, with scope to achieve business growth.
Our Business Park Manager, Sharon Wood is available to offer business advice and guidance to our thriving 40 small businesses, charities and not for profit tenants. We operate flexible leases combined with an experienced and dedicated business park on-site support team.
Whether you are looking to start up your first business venture or expand your business empire, our commercial premises could be suitable for you.
To plan your corporate journey……
Contact sharonwood@wolseley-trust.org or call 01752 203670
Our Health Community
We are very proud to be a partner in the Plymouth City Council Caring For Plymouth Support Hub. Caring for Plymouth, is an alliance between the Council, Livewell Southwest and a number of Voluntary and Community Sector organisations such as ourselves and aims to provide emergency support and guidance to the most vulnerable within our communities.
Our Social Prescribing team is continuing to work closely with our colleagues in primary Care and taking referrals from 33 GP practices across Plymouth to support people that are most vulnerable at this time. For more information, please contact the team on 01752 203673 or click here.
The Healthy Futures Counselling Service is still operating and providing free one to one counselling support to people living in our area of benefit. For more information, please click here.
Our Healthy Living Centre and Wellbeing Hub Partners
Please see websites below for updates and to find out how these services can be accessed.
Wolseley Trust Counselling Service - Please click here
Elder Tree - https://eldertreeplymouth.co.uk/
Alcoholics Anonymous - www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Miranda City Fitness (Supertone Exercise Sessions) - www.mirandacityfitness.com
Credit Union - https://cpcu.co.uk/
One Stop Advocacy - http://www.onestopadvocacy.com/
Stop Smoking Support - https://www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk/
Eat That Frog - https://eatthatfrog.ac.uk/
Colebrook South West, Headspace - https://www.colebrooksw.org/head-space/
Useful Links and Numbers:
Caring for Plymouth : https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/coronaviruscovid19information/caringplymouth
Plymouth PIE club: https://www.facebook.com/Plymouth-PIE-club-103320671307676/
Plymouth Online Directory: https://www.plymouthonlinedirectory.com/
NHS Volunteer Responders - call 0808 196 3646
To involve the local community in fully managing and assisting with the economic and community regeneration of our own inner-city area of Plymouth
To help bring real life style improvements in the form of jobs, health, wealth and business opportunities, to benefit people from our inner-city area
To become largely self-sufficient, reducing grant dependency by sustaining our community activities through our own trading- generating surplus from managing the assets developed from capital funding and recycling this money to help
To provide services for local people.
Both parts of our business are important to us and we strive to be the best possible practitioner in both aspects:
Developing and managing business and industrial premises as well as providing meeting room and community facility hire to provide a sustainable income
Helping people and organisations from our area providing services from our Wolseley Community Resource Building and Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre plus community infrastructure support by way of finance, advice and support.