
Community Health and Wellbeing Worker Logo RGB 01 FULL COLOUR

The Community and Wellbeing Programme


Based in Stonehouse, the Community Health and Wellbeing project is a collaboration with Waterside Health Network that takes a grassroots approach to supporting families with their health and wellbeing within their homes and local area. The programme’s unique concept, ensures that the CHWW’s (Community Health and Wellbeing Workers) visit residents within their own home at least once a month, acting as a link to Primary Care, ensuring the family unit are supported with any social, mental or physical health needs.

Building on a model that is now embedded into Brazil’s Family Health Strategy, the CHWW programme is a systematic, universal, comprehensive and integrated approach that is designed to build strong relationships with the local community to enable health needs are proactively met. With the CHWW’s being integrated into primary care, they can link effectively with relevant services to help promote vaccinations, screenings and management of chronic diseases. Alongside this, as local members of the community they support, the CHWW’s are able to encourage social engagements and link residents with voluntary and community sector organisations.

Our team of Saryah, Miranda, Matt and Austin are passionate advocates for their local community, embodying a person-centred, ‘what matters to you?’ approach and are already seeing the positive ripple effect of the programme.

For further information, please contact the Wolseley Trust’s Healthy Futures Service on 01752 203673 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Wolseley Trust Counselling Service


The service is offered by the Wolseley Trust and is based at the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre in Plymouth.

It is offered to residents of the PL2 area of Plymouth. Please see the Wolseley Trust’s website to see the area of benefit. For more information on how to refer and eligibility to access the service, please telephone 01752 203673.

This counselling service is for adults aged 18+ who can self refer, be referred by their GP or Social Prescribing Link Worker attached to GP practices in PL2.This counselling service is for people with mild to moderate symptoms such as anxiety/depression. It is not suitable for people who require longer term or in-depth clinical psychological support.

Please click here to see our Counselling leaflet. 


Counselling Service overview

The Counselling Service is funded by the Wolseley Trust and is available to people living in the Trust’s area of benefit. 

Please click here to view our Catchment Area.


 For more information about the counselling service and how to refer, please contact the Healthy Futures office on 01752 203673 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Data Protection/GDPR Notice

The Wolseley Trust complies with GDPR and the data protection act.  If you would like to see our Privacy Notice,

 please download this here.



At the Wolseley Trust Tenancy terms have been designed to be flexible and uncomplicated, with an “easy in easy out” tenancy agreement. We offer free on site business advice and support available from Wolseley Community Development Trust staff and other agencies.

The details are summarised here:-

  • Two months rent as deposit will be required. The sum will be refunded at the time of vacation of the premises subject to a satisfactory inspection of the Unit.
  • Rent is due on the first day of each calendar month payable in advance by standing order or BACS Payment. 
  • A tenants contribution of £120.00 + VAT per annum is payable towards general landlords servicing costs.
  • Tenants will be liable for the costs relating to the provision of normal services to their units including: telephone, electricity, gas, water and sewerage charges; trade waste and Business Rates.
  • Tenants will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of internal aspects of their unit and will be expected to maintain the unit to a standard acceptable to WCEDT.
  • Internal modifications to units may be made at the tenant's cost and subject to prior written agreement with WCEDT.
  • Upon vacation of the premises, the tenant will be responsible for all costs associated with reinstating the unit to it's original specification.
  • One month's notice in writing by the tenant will be required on vacating a unit.  
  • Please Note: retail trade is not permitted on the Business Park.
  • Full details of costs and copies of the tenancy agreement and tenancy handbook are available on request.

Tenancy Terms are subject to change

For information on Wolseley Business Park please contact

Sharon Wood on 01752 203670 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wolseley Trust Annual Fun Day

Our Annual Fun Day was held on Saturday 24th June 2017, it went very well and was enjoyed by all who attended (even though the weather wasn't on our side to start with).  The day had lots of fun activities including; a bouncy castle, tabletop sales, mini-games, Armed Forces themed dress up, refreshments, live music (North Prospect Choir and The Baracoodas) and a raffle - thanks to all who kindly donated a prize to us this year.  Mayflower Nursery - Mrs Tickle and some of the Nursery children came along to help with our Hook-A-Duck game which everyone enjoyed. We were also joined by Rob from Dartmoor Search and Rescue who brought along two of his search dogs (Honey and Toohey), one of which was in the training stage.  In the afternoon two local PCSO's, Andrew and Rose, were able to take time out from their busy schedule to visit us with a police car, which went down very well with the chilldren!  We would also like to thank the Healthwatch Team who came along with a mascot which was fantastic, the people of our local community who attended with items to sell, and of course to our tenents of courtyard 2 who kindly moved all of their vehicles to allow us to use the space for the day.

Please see some of the picture taken on the day below. 









Previous Events at the Wolseley Trust

2016 Christmas Festive Fayre

Our festive fayre was a day of great fun.  

We had a visit from Santa Claus our our Winter Wonderland grotto and also had entertainment fun from Wishy Washy as well as a Chrstmas Raffle.








Macmillan Cancer Support - Coffee Morning

On Friday 21st October 2016 the staff at the Wolseley Trust all made and donated cakes to sell in the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre at a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise some money and awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support. It was a very successful day and was enjoyed by all who took part, including those who bought a few slices! We raised a grant total of £153.00.

We will hopefully be again taking part next year so keep your eyes peeled for our posters and advertising for the day.




WT HF Logo

"A stepping stone to a healthier, happier you"






Social Prescribing Service Overview

The Healthy Futures service currently works with 5 Primary Care Networks in Plymouth.   

We work with patients who would like support to access activities and services in the community to improve their health and wellbeing. 

We are funded by Primary Care Networks, Plymouth City Council and the Department of Health.



What we offer

  • If a person would like some support to improve their wellbeing, a referral can be made to Healthy Futures by their surgery or they can self-refer by contacting us themselves.
  • The person referred will be contacted by a Link Worker.  They will listen them, help to identify what matters to them and what their goals are to improve their wellbeing. 
  • The Link Worker will work alongside them over a number of appointments to provide ongoing support and encouragement to reach goals and improve wellbeing.
  • The Link Worker will support them to access local organisations and activities.

Please click here to see our Healthy Futures leaflet.

We offer appointments over the phone, by video app, over email and face to face (if there is a safe space available and in strict compliance with current government guidelines). 

For more information about what we can help with and how to be referred to the service, please get in touch by phoning us on 01752 203673 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



History and Development

The Wolseley Trust has been delivering Social Prescribing in our area of benefit in partnership with local surgeries and community organisations since 2010.  This service was funded by the Office for the Director of Public Health and the Wolseley Trust to meet the social needs of local people. 

Since 2017 the service has grown through successful funding applications to Department of Health and Plymouth City Council.  In 2019, the team secured contracts with 6 Primary Care Networks in Plymouth, providing dedicated social prescribers in 33 GP surgeries citywide.



Data Protection/GDPR Notice

The Wolseley Trust complies with GDPR and the data protection act.  If you would like to see our Privacy Notice, please download this here.


We are so proud to have Get Up and Go Community Nursery as a community partner – an educational provider rated as Outstanding by Ofsted. It aims to focus on the social considerations that enable children in the community to reach their full potential, seeing itself as a social enterprise in every sense. And, in line with our aims of developing the community, three of the senior team have gained degrees in Early Childhood Studies and hold Early Years Professional Status (equivalent to teacher status).

The Wolseley Trust provides small grants for holiday care placements, a budget for healthy snacks, a larger grant to pilot the provision of an Additional Needs Worker, and initial funding that enabled Get Up and Go to apply for and secure a three-year grant from Children in Need.

Who we are by Vivian Hill, Nursery Manager

Get Up & Go Community Nursery is a thriving independent community business, providing childcare and education to local children aged two to four years as well as offering opportunities of employment and work experience. Nearing its twentieth year of operating within the Wolseley Trust Community Resource Building, the setting has supported many children and families in the community with care, respect, inclusion and equality at the forefront of our practice.  Get Up & Go Community Nursery is led by three “home grown” graduates and the team hold childcare level three qualifications underpinned with a sound wealth of experience. The majority of our childcare practitioners live or have previously lived in the local area which strengthens the depth of understanding of the needs of this community.  Children’s assessments and progress trackers provide evidence based confirmation that local children are making clear progress in all areas of their learning and development. Local schools and parents often informally feedback how well the children have progressed, associating this with the time spent at the nursery.

Working in Partnership with the Wolseley Trust

Get Up & Go Community Nursery has, from its outset in 1997, worked in partnership with the Wolseley Trust. There is much to be grateful for interms of support that the Trust has provided. The most recent occasion being during summer 2016 when a successful small grants panel request provided fee payment support for four children in need during the summer holiday period. The children concerned had identified additional needs, involving specialist services, and their attendance (which was 100%) provided continuity of care and routine, which eased their transition into school the following September. This example of support has proved invaluable over the years in terms of keeping children safe, supporting children’s development and helping families in need or indeed crisis.   We are delighted that the team at Get Up & Go Community Nursery has earned its positive and trusted reputation within the community and we very much look forward to continuing working in positive partnership with the Wolseley Trust to support our local community.

Ford Gym 2  


Ford Youth and Community Centre (FYCC) was first established in 1980 operating from premises in Cambridge Road, Ford until November 2013. The Management Committee and Trustees are grateful for the continued support of all our partners and sponsors in our quest to continue with our community activities here at Ford Community Gym and the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre at Scott Business Park.

Our organisation is managed by 5 volunteer Trustees who form the core of a Management Committee which meets regularly to oversee the Project and plan for the future.

For more information on Ford Gym, please click here visit their website.

Please click here to download their Spring 2019 Newsletter.

Wolseley Trust, Plymouth Community Homes, Plymouth City Council Targeted Youth project, Devon Community Foundation, Comic Relief, Communities First, Lottery and the Ballard Trust.

Our project brings together young people and adults from our local area and school community. Many of our activities are either free or subsidised thanks to our sponsors.

Ford Gym 1


We build discipline and structure into their lives through a detailed multi-sport / gym programme to improve on fitness of body and also fitness

 of mind that can be carried into the community and later life. We promote healthy living styles in a positive way, raising self – esteem and aspiration. We also provide training through work experience / placement and volunteer opportunities for unemployed people and students

 who may wish to work in sector.

All of our qualified Gym Instructors / Personal Trainers offer some volunteer hours to support the Project and fully understand issues local people are facing.



We are pleased to announce our new project for 2018 starting in March.  Thanks to sponsorship from The Big Lottery, Wolseley Trust, Plymouth Community Homes and Plymouth City Council.

What does this mean to you?

  • 100 Free adult memberships worth up to £80 for up to 16weeks if you are Unemployed, Single Parent, NEET, over 60 (not in full time employment) or a PCH resident.
  • Youths aged 11 to 17 years who want to get fit - free sessions at the Gym.

Click here to download the Gym Registration Form

If you would like anymore information, please contact Ford Gym on 01752 556677.

The Meet & Eat Cafe is open Mondays - Fridays from 9:15am - 3:30pm.

Meat Eat Cafe 4


Eat That Frog have been working from Scott Business Park in the Meet and Eat Cafe since September 2016, supporting 12 young learners who have educational health care plans, and need qualifications and support to transition into the world of work. We work to each learner’s strengths and needs, focusing on who they are and how we can support them as an individual. We tailor their studies to suit them, including Media, IT, Computer Games, Sport and independent living skills. Whilst including real work experiences, some of our learners have been working in the Café, providing a delicious healthy options menu. We’ve seen a massive improvement in their skills, knowledge and confidence, with three young people deciding they’d like to progress and work in the catering industry. Scott Business Park is a good venue for our learners – it’s very different to schools and colleges, offering a real work/industrial environment and this means they’re more open to engaging with us, as they see it as something new and more ‘grown-up’. We’ve quickly become part of the local community, gaining support from nearby businesses, giving our learners vital insights into how different companies work and how to get employment.

The Wolseley Trust staff in the Jan Cutting Centre are always very supportive and have helped us in a variety of ways. We work with Job Centre Plus to provide information, advice and guidance to people to help them get paid work or to progress their careers. Running workshops and holistic support sessions from the Jan Cutting Centre, we have been able to assist local people in a variety of ways; with business support for self-employment, helping them understand changes in the benefits system and then signposting them onto further training or advice with health or money issues. In the future, we’re planning further qualifications, traineeships and apprenticeships for learners at the Wolseley Trust, enabling them to succeed in getting sustainable paid work. We’re also developing horticulture provision in the Wolseley Trust’s Patchwork Garden - we hope to turn this into a space for us to deliver some forest school sessions and grow fresh produce to use at the Café.

Eat That Frog are loving working with the Wolseley Trust, myself and my catering students love working in the café. We are pleased to give the young adults an opportunity to work in such a wonderful environment with such friendly people to help them gain confidence and life skills. – Jo Deacon, Eat That Frog Staff Member

Working at Eat That Frog has really helped me and my confidence. I really enjoy working and serving the customers. – Charlotte, Eat That Frog, Student

Wolseley Community Building

Our large Community Resource Building can hold up to 75 people.WCB 4

The following are available on request:

  • TV & DVD
  • Project & Screen (Laptop provided by hirer)
  • Flipchart Stand (paper and pens are not supplied)

Cost £11.55 per hour + VAT

Limited parking is available in the community building car park.  

Additional parking is permitted in the lower end of the Co-Op building park, opposite the Wolseley Trust main office.

Available for hire Monday - Sunday; AM/PM, full or half days and evening hire.



Board Room

Wolseley Board Room 02

Our Board Room can hold up to 25 people.

The following are available on request:

  • TV & DVD
  • Project & Screen (Laptop provided by hirer)
  • Flipchart Stand (paper and pens are not supplied)

Cost £12.60 per hour + VAT (price includes tea & coffee for up to 25 people)

Limited parking is available in the community building car park.  

Additional parking is permitted in the lower end of the Co-Op building park, opposite the Wolseley Trust main office.

Available for hire Monday - Sunday; AM/PM, full or half days and evening hire.





Terms and Conditions of Hire for both the Conference Room and Community Building

The Cancellation Policy for our facilities hir is as follows;

  • 7-14 days notice - No Charge
  • 4-7 days notice - 50% of room charge
  • 2-3 days notice - Full Cost

Tea and Coffee is normally included in the hire price for the conference room and we can arrange this alos, at extra charge, if you hire our community building. Hirers are requested to wash and dry all cups and saucers used, and to leave the room clean and tidy.  The Trust can also provide free use of the following equipment:

Flipchart, TV and DVD, Porjector and Screen if requested and booked in advance.  

Please note:  Our conference room is set up as boardroom style.  If you require any other tpyr of set up, i.e. theatre style, please let the Wolseley Trust know in advance of your booking.

Our payment conditions are as follows;

  • Conference Room and Community Building Hire requires payment within 14 days of the invoice date we send at the end of each calendar month.


Data Protection/GDPR Notice

The Wolseley Trust complies with GDPR and the data protection act.  If you would like to see our Hirers Privacy Notice, please download this here.

If you would like to Join the Wolseley Trust as a member, please download the form proivded below.

Wolseley Trust Membership Form

Current Tenants of Scott Business Park

  • Plymouth Heartbeat
  • Marlin Environmental Services Ltd
  • Karlenn Ltd
  • Global Expand
  • Pureleak Ltd
  • Studio HD Ltd
  • PC Towbars
  • HD Chemicals
  • Fire Doors Rite Ltd
  • Online Ceramics
  • Alphabet Signs South West Ltd
  • Drake Medical Alliance Ltd
  • PLUSS Organisation
  • County Chiropractic
  • Rees Carpets and Flooring
  • D & R Removals
  • SP Storage & Distribution Ltd
  • SP Storage
  • Lantech Communications Ltd
  • Penny’s Cleaning
  • Whiz Kidz
  • Purple Telecommunications Ltd
  • Jamelias Flowers
  • Rees Commercial Floor Services
  • C G Trading Solutions Ltd
  • Plymouth Romanian Association CIC
  • Infinity Keepsakes

For all Wolseley & Scott Business Park unit enquiries, please contact Sharon Wood, Business Development Manager for Wolseley and Scott Business Park on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 





LET Subject to Contract






Please click here to see if there are any premises available at Wolseley Business Park

The right place to do business

  •  Development of a former hospital site in partnership with Plymouth City Council and funding from Single Regeneration Budget, South West Regional Development Agency and Government Office for the South West.
  •  Construction of the site was completed in the summer of 2003 with the first tenants taking occupancy in the July. All the business units were occupied within 6 months.

  •  The site comprises 34 light industrial and office units ranging from 600-3000 sq. ft. the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre and a community operated café.

  •  The overall high quality of the Business Park was recognised when we won the Abercrombie award for ‘Best Community Design Project’.

  •  The Park is home to 23 tenants, some of which have more than one premises - from private to voluntary and public sectors. In excess of 1000 people are currently employed in the site.

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  • Well-appointment affordable premises in the heart of Plymouth
  • Easy access to A38 with good transport links.
  • Flexible spaces desgned for growth
  • 34 High quality light industrial and office units
  • Lanscaped, rural grounds with public art features
  • 10 offices approx 50m² - 95m² (580 sq.ft - 1000 sq.ft)
  • 24 units approx 70m - 300m² (790 sq.ft - 3100 sq.ft)
  • Flexible configurations possible within units, many with mezzanine storage areas
  • Excellent ancillary areas within units providing kitchenette, lobby, washroom and self contained offices
  • Most units with direct access hard standing to the front or rear for parking
  • All units benefit from good natural light
  • Affordable, competitive rents
  • Good disabled access
  • Sercure site with 24 hours security
  • Visitor car parking
  • Easy in, easy out tenancy agreements
  • Experienced site management
  • Free Business advice and support available
  • Facilities on site for meetings and seminars
  • Full catering facilities on site.

Building Services


  • Metered single phase supply, complete with distribution board with spare ways 13 A power
  • 2 gang sockets outlets throughout units
  • Conduit trunking for easy modification
  • Fluorescent illiumination throughout
  • BT and Virgin Media telecommunications


  • Ambi Rad overhead gas fired radiant panels in main workshops
  • Ambi Rad warm air units to single storey workshops
  • Electric Economy overnight heating for offices.


  • Provided for toilets and kitchenette
  • Electrically heated hand washing water

Fire Alarm

External Lighting

  • For all units and access roads


  • Linked intruder alarm system for all units
  • Site covered by CCTV and on site security

Recycling base for waste collection


Data Protection/GDPR Notice

The Wolseley Trust complies with GDPR and the data protection act.  If you would like to see our Tenants Privacy Notice, please download this here.

At The Wolseley Trust, we operate an ‘easy-in easy-out’ tenancy agreement which is designed to be flexible and uncomplicated. Free on site business advice and support is available from our dedicated and experienced on-site support team.

Tenancy Terms

  • Two month's rent as a deposit will be required. This sum will be refunded at the time of vacation of the premises, subject to a satisfactory inspection of the unit
  • Rent is due on the first day of each calendar month payable in advanced by standing order or BACS payment.
  • Monthly service charges apply at Scott Business Park Rental. These charges are based on tenants contributions to common services.  This covers the following:
    • Grounds maintenance
    • Business park lighting external and communal areas
    • Security services, CCTV cameras, etc
    • Service and maintenance contracts.  
  • Tenants will be liable for the costs relating to the provision of normal services to their units including: telephone, electricity, gas, water and Local Authority business rates.
  • Tenants will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of internal aspects of their unit and will be expected to maintain the unit to a standard acceptable to WCEDT.
  • Internal modifications to units may be made at the tenant's cost and subject to prior written agreement with WCEDT.
  • Upon vacation of the premises, the tenant will be responsible for all costs associated with reinstating the unit to it's original specification.
  • One month's notice in writing by the tenant will be required on vacating a unit.  
  • Full details of costs, and copies of the tenancy agreement and tenancy handbook are available on request.

Tenancy Terms are subject to change

For information on Scott Business Park, please contact;

Sharon Wood on 01752 203670 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Richard Williams 

richard wt

Vice Chair

Robbie Nairn


Community Directors

Richard White

Philippa Davey

Andrew Bray

Christine Everett

Tina Tuohy



We are:

  • A Community Economic Development Trust with a local membership of over 600 local residents. Any local business or community organisations in our catchment area can join to be a Member of the Trust, free of charge. Our activities continue to be shaped and influenced by community consultation.
  • An independent Community Managed Company Limited by Guarantee. Our experienced Management Board reflects our partnership ethos of democratic involvement and empowerment; the majority being elected from our community resident Membership. We are accountable to our community Membership for all our activities.
  • A successful and respected Partner working alongside the private and public sector to deliver local and city-wide regeneration initiatives
  • A model of community and asset management which continues to be followed and adopted by fellow Trusts both locally and nationally.

Our successes:

  • Wolseley Trust was the first Community Development Trust in Plymouth, pioneering and developing community involvement and business practices which have been widely adopted.
  • The Trust has a 20-year track record of developing and managing business parks and community facilities worth in excess of £10 million. We are supported in this by our major partner, Plymouth City Council.
  • We have a current turnover of £1.2 million per annum from which we generate a trading surplus providing up to £150,000 a year for community infrastructure support
  • In excess of 2000 jobs have been supported across our business parks since we first commenced trading in January 1997. Operating in an area of high unemployment the Trust maintains a firm commitment to support local enterprise, local job creation and local training on the sites.
  • Developing and maintaining cross sector partnerships. Currently working with a wide range of partner agencies to deliver health and wellbeing initiatives across our 4 wards; private sector businesses and contractors; and key partners from the ‘third sector’ (community and social enterprises)

WCEDT Registered Office

Wolseley Trust Business Park
Unit 3
Wolseley Close

Tel: 01752 607449